KitchenSpot consistently researches on the latest trends in the tourism industry to help ensure that they are servicing their Tanzanian clients to the best standards possible.
In the midst of carrying out our research, we noticed that companies who can really personalise their guests experience are likely to gain loyalty with their guests. Moreover, personalisation is all about the small things you offer, or create, or display to enhance the entire lodging experience.
This is how our range “Elegance by KitchenSpot” was born. This range’s products are inspired by focusing on all the small parts of the tourist’s experience which help build a warmth in your hospitality. Our range is inspired by several customizable wood, copper and raw-steel products to help bring that bush themed ambiance.

All our designs are curated to have an African touch to them to ensure visitors can relate to the experience while being served in our products. Finally, some of our products include, lantern holders, family trays, buffet stands and umbrella holders.

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